The LISBA Gatherings process is a design for living that brings about a profound and permanent personality change. We find out who we really are at our core. We start to live life truly free from the bondage of stress and worry no matter what degree we are currently experiencing it. Fear of the future, and regrets of the past begin to melt away. The frustration of making difficult decisions becomes effortless. We have more physical, mental and emotional energy when life begins to flow into us instead of at us. Unrealistic expectations, fear, anger, worry disappear. We will find serenity in even the most challenging situations. We will see how we can truly be of help to others by simply sharing our experience through the process. We find ourselves on that “greener grass” and we want to share it with the world!
Co-Founder~Adam Merrifield AKA “Jon Seagull” has been an entrepreneur for the last 25 years, building several successful businesses but never truly fulfilled. Now finding himself ready to bring his life experiences and self discovery to the masses he has developed his passion project now called LISBA Gatherings. This is a labor of love that Adam is eager to share with the world.
Co-Founder~Jason Be’s time and attention is greatly devoted to being evermore active and present with the family he has been blessed with and in deepening the spirituality that has made that possible. His Lyf journey has been at times quite rough and rocky, and as a result, he has learned by experience where to find sure-footing through even the most challenging situations.